Wednesday 9 February 2011

A Timorous Beastie

... If only I was sleekit too. No word from the agent who promised much. I know, I know. I promised myself I'd query him exactly two weeks after he got back to me asking that I be patient etc. However, I now find I am too scared. If I don't query him then I not officially rejected by him.
I really feel a bit clueless about this whole publishing lark. I don't know the form and I have no contacts. Sending my manuscript to an agent or publisher is a bit like launching it into outer space.
For example, should I query people I've sent my manuscript to or who are supposed to be considering it and getting back to me soon? Will this just annoy them? And what does 'very soon' mean to an agent? When he was apparently interested the agent I'm scared of contacting did email back and forth fairly quickly. Very quickly. Now he has evaporated.
It is incredibly similar to my experience of internet dating. For a few days I would hear very regularly and with great intensity from some guy who seemed to offer the world. Then he'd just disappear - poof! As a matter of fact, my experience of all dating, internet launched or not, has been very much like this. As I said in my last post, I seem to have given up one unhealthy obsession for another.
So, where is my dreamboat agent? Out seeing others, I'll bet. The harsh reality is that he was probably seeing someone else all along and just toying with me. Now that the writer he really wanted has signed on the dotted line he can't even be bothered to dump me. Hmph.
As my Mum always says, I am too prone to putting all my eggs in one very leaky basket. I never learn. On the other hand, I have put my eggs into other baskets in this case. It's just that these baskets aren't very responsive, as yet. And yes, darn it, baskets should respond.
I am losing myself in terrible metaphors. Time to shuffle off to the coffee machine and drown my sorrows in an Italian Roast.

Thursday 3 February 2011

Another day, another rejection

This one came by email but I suspect it was the electronic equivalent of the standard, paper rejection. Why? Because they addressed me using the first part of my email address which isn't even my name. If they had read my message and sample chapters they would have picked up that my real name was quite different. Hmph. Confirms my suspicions that the Evil Agent doesn't even read half the stuff he is sent.
Meanwhile, I am still awaiting word from Slightly Less Evil Agent who thought he could publish my work. His 'be in touch very soon' seems to be meaningless. I suspect the worst. Time to move on. To think, I gave up men because I spent half my life waiting for them to get back in touch and I've replaced them with the Evil Agent who is having exactly the same effect on me. I have swapped addictions.